Tuesday, September 26, 2006

..and hello Molly!

What a cutie! It was a bit of a trip but well worth it. The breeder was only a few blocks from John and Caroline's- they were a very nice family and the animals there look good. "Molly" travelled VERY well, no accidents and very little whining. That was very nice of her as the drive sucked with lots of rain and too many cars in my way through Toronto (Those 4 in the morning trips are a lot less stressful).

So Molly is about nine weeks, maybe about 8 or 9 lbs and should grow to about 35 lbs. Her mother is quite a bit smaller than Larry was- but so were most other Keeshonds we've met. Molly was one of the larger females in the litter, so we'll see. Her parents were both Championship show dogs (of course- but Molly's back is apparently too long (what a half inch??) for show). Her disposition is awesome so far, friendly with everyone, interested in everything...still working on her relationship with Minnie...that could take some time. I guess that's it.

Friday, September 22, 2006

September at Brightside..

A weekend at the "cottage" can be restful and relaxing..a time to un-wind and listen to the wind blow. Where else can you find the time to read a novel uninterupted in just two days? The country is beautiful this time of year. The pond is down, but that makes it easier to get around it. I saw evidence of beavers at a couple of ponds, but I'm no expert in telling whether it's recent..it doesn't look like it.
Did see a fisher or martin, having never seen one before I was a little stunned and had to look it up when I got home. It was smaller than a bear, bigger than a weasle, longer tail than a bob cat, and too fast for a beaver or racoon. Any other guesses?? Also saw lots of deer tracks, and one bear poop- no awards there I guess.
These rose hips are HUGE! I didn't see the roses in the spring when we were there, they must have been impressive through the summer.
Stopped at Basswood hill and paid my respects, it's a special moment.
Tried a couple of directions to find a path towards the lake, but I honestly have no idea where I'm going...two hours into my walk it occurs to me,"no map, phone, gps, no gun, knife..is this smart?" I promptly turned around and headed back to the cabin.
It'll be nice to get back again soon, maybe a winter trip?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Summers' last breath..

School starts today..Hooray!! It's been a busy and rewarding summer for all. Dawson, Ian, and Liv returned excited and happy from camp, we had a great time in Portugal, and Hailey and Ted..well, maybe they'll get a holiday next year! Painting has started in earnest at the front of the house, still on schedule for a Fall completion. The new puppy is getting picked up by us in a couple of weeks, pics will be added then I'm sure. Hey mon, whats long and waxy and hip? Beats me, ask Ted! Annual trip to Canadas Wonderland was a hoot, Liv joined in this year and the kids din't miss too many rides..neither did Steve..what a good sport!
Hopefully will get back to regular submissions, play safe.