Thursday, July 05, 2007

oops...sort of out of order- last June posting.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TED! Eighteen already! Chocolate cake never goes out of style- and the sparklers were a hit!
"How do you blow these out??"
Dawson "finally" got his braces off- here he is with Dr Tom. "I just can't stop smiling- it feels so weird!"

Ted's lifeguarding and teaching swimming lessons at Thames park this summer. It's one of the larger pools in the city, and heated- which makes it a very desirable pool both to work at, and take lessons. Shel has all of the child care kids in lessons first two weeks in July, as well as Olivia- who has Ted for her teacher!
Two weeks until vacation...

...more June 26th !!

The last time I tried putting eight shots together in one posting I couldn't do it with out dropping some heres four more from the Pearson event. We got everyone out except Ted of course. I love the last shot- sort of a "good-bye" to the school. What-ya think, mayor? Prime Minister? Used car salesman??
Hailey's stand alone model pose shot- I don't think she really thought I was going to keep. "Surprise!!"

"may olde aquaintance be forgot..."

June 26th...Proms and Grads

Grade 12 completed, exams finished, and on the way to Prom. Ted and Emily in the backyard of one of their friends a few doors down from Em's. I'm told the prom was a lot of fun, and afterward most everyone went "camping" about 40 min out of town. We drove a group there figuring it was safer that way, though we were a bit tired by the time of the return trip. A great group of'll be a long time I think before we see them all dressed up like this again!

Funny coincidence, or small world or something, Hailey's kindergarten teacher at Northview Mrs Good- who we liked very much, had a son about the same time as Ted- bet you know where this is going. Third from the left is him, Ian who's been one of Ted's friends through highschool and will be going to McGill as well. Cool!

Ian's Graduation at Pearson was the same day. As well as it being his last year at Pearson, it will be our last child attending the school- that's 11 years of our having kids there. It's been a great go, but I think it's time to move on too I think. We're very happy Ian got the marks he was looking for, and plans to keep up with the music while following his brothers to Central. Here's a group of the bud's including friends and neighbours Josh (can't see his eyes through the glasses), and Greg beside him. Oh, and Ian picked out he yellow tie and vest...matches his hair.