Monday, December 17, 2007

Chicago Getaway 2007

 Finally, it's time to add to this posting. We had such a good time in Chicago a couple of years ago with the family that Shelah arranged a trip this Christmas. This time we went with Pam and Danny. They picked us up early Friday and we drove to Detroit on time and without incident- only 20 min or so stopped waiting at the boarder- which is good from some of the stories I've been hearing.
 We landed at Chicago Midway airport, which was a little surprise since we thought we were landing at O'Hare. But we were impressed that the luggage was unloaded and on the carosel as we came down the escalator, and the cab ride to town is shorter from this airport ( take note here as this comes back later!). We checked in at the Hyatt Recency at the south end of Magnificent Mile on Michigan Ave. Place was HUGE.
 Shopping was wonderful, Nike Town, Lego, Macy's, Eddie Bauer, and bunches of girl stores too from Saks fifth avenue, Prada, etc, etc. The sidewalks were packed with shoppers- all spending money, it was how you'd think a downtown should look. O-k, I probably got a "little" tired of shopping, but the girls appeared to have fun. Nice skarf Shel. Nice hat Pam!
 The trip home started so well- until we got to the counter at Chicago Midway and found out we had to be at O'Hare!! That cheaper taxi ride didn't turn out so cheap this time! We arrived in suitable time and checked in quickly. On arrival in Detroit the bags were over an hour late to the pick up, "apparently" the luggage cart got stuck on the runway. Anyway, Pam got us home through the driving snowstorm (over a dozen vehs off the road on the 401!) safe and sound. Thanks Steve for keeping the driveway plowed- I got to sleep in!
Looking forward to the next trip, we've found some more things to see and do the next time.
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