Finally, it's time to add to this posting. We had such a good time in Chicago a couple of years ago with the family that Shelah arranged a trip this Christmas. This time we went with Pam and Danny. They picked us up early Friday and we drove to Detroit on time and without incident- only 20 min or so stopped waiting at the boarder- which is good from some of the stories I've been hearing.
We landed at Chicago Midway airport, which was a little surprise since we thought we were landing at O'Hare. But we were impressed that the luggage was unloaded and on the carosel as we came down the escalator, and the cab ride to town is shorter from this airport ( take note here as this comes back later!). We checked in at the Hyatt Recency at the south end of Magnificent Mile on Michigan Ave. Place was HUGE.
Shopping was wonderful, Nike Town, Lego, Macy's, Eddie Bauer, and bunches of girl stores too from Saks fifth avenue, Prada, etc, etc. The sidewalks were packed with shoppers- all spending money, it was how you'd think a downtown should look. O-k, I probably got a "little" tired of shopping, but the girls appeared to have fun. Nice skarf Shel. Nice hat Pam!
The trip home started so well- until we got to the counter at Chicago Midway and found out we had to be at O'Hare!! That cheaper taxi ride didn't turn out so cheap this time! We arrived in suitable time and checked in quickly. On arrival in Detroit the bags were over an hour late to the pick up, "apparently" the luggage cart got stuck on the runway. Anyway, Pam got us home through the driving snowstorm (over a dozen vehs off the road on the 401!) safe and sound. Thanks Steve for keeping the driveway plowed- I got to sleep in!
Looking forward to the next trip, we've found some more things to see and do the next time.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Fall and Football...go hand in hand
Just had to add a few photos of the first kid in the house playing football. It is kind of weird, dad played football and of course I played in the park with the neighbourhood kids when I was small, but I was never really interested in playing. When I was asked by the gym teacher in grade 9 if I was trying out my reply was, "no, why so I can get my nose broken?" I should have tried it- might have got a better mark in gym(?).
Ian's number 59, the fourth in line in the second photo. Central's doing well again this year for both junior and senior teams, looks like they have amazing coaching staff, and amazing kids to work with. Way to go Ian, keep up the good work!
Ian's number 59, the fourth in line in the second photo. Central's doing well again this year for both junior and senior teams, looks like they have amazing coaching staff, and amazing kids to work with. Way to go Ian, keep up the good work!
:) Thanksgiving 2007
What a GREAT Thanksgiving! It was so nice having all of the kids at home. Ted flew in Thursday night so he could go to his Central Grad, and Hail came on the weekend. We tried a new "annual tradition" this year. Borrowing from the Americans (I hate to admit), we made a big deal of the CFL football game on the Saturday. It worked really well having a room full of family that normally wouldn't last 5 minutes in front of a ball game. We had a few favorite snacks- oh and gambling helped too- the bet on closest combined score kept most right down to the end!
The dinner Sunday night was exceptional- compliments (again) to the chef, and to all of the helpers. A huge turkey was on the menu, a bunch of other stuff (that was REALLY good, but I am getting old and I should have posted this sooner...) and finished with a selection of pies. Yes, I did have the apple.
Here's the most updated family photo- Molly missed this one- the one with Molly in I missed- oh well, she loses this one! A few hair cut changes, a few inches grown, and one little girl with railroad tracks.
I don't know why I'm including this one. I was practicing night photography and after a couple of mistakes I remembered some of the goofy tricks that you can do. The BIG advantage to digital is that you can see your results right away. I know- I forgot to smile. This is serious stuff!?
Saturday, August 18, 2007
July-Aug 2007...Vacation time!
To start the summer, Dawson was back to Camp QE for July (turns out to be ALL summer- but that's another story), then Oliv and Ian to camp as well. Shel and I flew out of Detroit to Victoria the same day for a wonderful "west-coast" visit. A little more cloud and rain than I remember from past visits- bad weather coming in from Asia apparently. It was great to see the sights- Bear Mountain, Titanic Exhibition, coffees out...
The view from Don's window at work of dowtown Vancouver is amazing- I don't know how he gets any work done (?)
When we left Victoria bright and early a week later, it was off to Vegas.
It was extremely HOT, but I loved the heat- much like a sauna from the time we landed. It was over a 100 degrees a number of times. There was lots to see- shopping and restaurants under every casino and hotel on the strip, one of the best restaurants I've ever eaten in (Rosemary's), Cirque's Zumanity (for those over 18..), and there was even gambling. They say Elvis is dead, but I'm told there are ghosts, and every now and then...
When we got home again it was time to pick up the kids- minus Dawson who called at the last minute to say he was hired on in the kitchen at the camp for the remainder of the summer! We miss him a lot, but are very proud of him.
Shortly after I went with Ian and Oliv to Ottawa for the week. We stayed with John and Caroline, and while Liv was at ringette camp all day for five, Ian and I went white water rafting on the Ottawa, cycling, a round of golf, visited Bonchere caves- you know...roughing it. Leaving Ottawa we met with Shelah at Camp Big Canoe to meet with friends for Patti and Dougs 26th.
So now it's that "catching up" time, hurryingly (is that a real word?) before school and fall catch up with us.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
oops...sort of out of order- last June posting.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TED! Eighteen already! Chocolate cake never goes out of style- and the sparklers were a hit!
"How do you blow these out??"
Dawson "finally" got his braces off- here he is with Dr Tom. "I just can't stop smiling- it feels so weird!"
Ted's lifeguarding and teaching swimming lessons at Thames park this summer. It's one of the larger pools in the city, and heated- which makes it a very desirable pool both to work at, and take lessons. Shel has all of the child care kids in lessons first two weeks in July, as well as Olivia- who has Ted for her teacher!
Two weeks until vacation...
...more June 26th !!
The last time I tried putting eight shots together in one posting I couldn't do it with out dropping some heres four more from the Pearson event. We got everyone out except Ted of course. I love the last shot- sort of a "good-bye" to the school. What-ya think, mayor? Prime Minister? Used car salesman??
Hailey's stand alone model pose shot- I don't think she really thought I was going to keep. "Surprise!!"
"may olde aquaintance be forgot..."
June 26th...Proms and Grads
Grade 12 completed, exams finished, and on the way to Prom. Ted and Emily in the backyard of one of their friends a few doors down from Em's. I'm told the prom was a lot of fun, and afterward most everyone went "camping" about 40 min out of town. We drove a group there figuring it was safer that way, though we were a bit tired by the time of the return trip. A great group of'll be a long time I think before we see them all dressed up like this again!
Funny coincidence, or small world or something, Hailey's kindergarten teacher at Northview Mrs Good- who we liked very much, had a son about the same time as Ted- bet you know where this is going. Third from the left is him, Ian who's been one of Ted's friends through highschool and will be going to McGill as well. Cool!
Ian's Graduation at Pearson was the same day. As well as it being his last year at Pearson, it will be our last child attending the school- that's 11 years of our having kids there. It's been a great go, but I think it's time to move on too I think. We're very happy Ian got the marks he was looking for, and plans to keep up with the music while following his brothers to Central. Here's a group of the bud's including friends and neighbours Josh (can't see his eyes through the glasses), and Greg beside him. Oh, and Ian picked out he yellow tie and vest...matches his hair.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
..Colour Consecration Ceremony
What a fine day for a parade! Last week the ceremony was held at Wolsely Barracks. The Honour Guard (of which I was a part) was made up of about 170 sworn members, as well on parade were the Colour Guard and Pipes and Drums. It was about a three year process to have the "colours" designed, then the various stages of approval before the approval of the Queen then being made and delivered. Apparently we are one of the few Forces in Canada with it's own consecrated colours.
The Chief looks very dashing doesn't he? The photographers for the day were a group of retired Ident guys- how much more reliable could you get? Can't believe I got caught with a smile on my face. With the parade finished, the group photos done..did someone say beer?
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Myrtle Beach Golf Trip '07
Years ago I'd listen to the "old guys" talk about their golf trips in the winter to Carolina or Florida- they sounded like such a blast. Such a "guy time", bonding time, excessive consumption time. Not being much of a golfer I thought I might never get the chance to partake.
Yeh-haw!! This year six from the office- the boss, Kim who retired (and so had LOTS of time to help organize this) and four more of us took the long drive to play four rounds.
Waterway Hills, Litchfield Country Club, Wicked Stick, and Long Bay were all beautiful courses, and all unique in their own ways. Myself I've never played on such gorgeous courses (or otherwise expensive)except for maybe Forest City National. The hotel was very nice, Long Bay Resort in Myrtle beach on the main strip on the water. The beach was just a walk out past the pool- how cold was the water at the beach? Good question. I'm thinking it wasn't worth dipping my toe in to find out- come to think of it there wasn't anyone else that close to the water either! The outdoor pool was heated and the hot-tub glorious.
Some of us had good rounds of golf. Although they were a little shorter than my old clubs, I brought my dad's set for this trip. Kinda special. I learned a lot though...I learned that I have to keep my head down, lock my arm, shift my weight right, shift my weight left, rotate my foot, no don't look up- crap, do I need to work on this! Guess I'll HAVE to do this again next year! Seriously, I fore-see spending some time at the driving ranges.
Although I did see grey squirrels as large as monkeys with black racoon masks, I didn't get to see any alligators- I was looking forward to seeing one.
Home for three days, one freezing rain storm, two snowfalls and a drop of 25 degrees. It was a great trip!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
How much older they're looking..
Of course you notice that your kids are getting older, but not the same way others do. It was pointed out that my boys are becoming men, that their face shapes have changed since pictures of them just in the last year or two. Have to admit (he said proudly with chest puffing out), they're looking pretty good. These guys are on their way to "semi".
Lovely to have eldest daughter home for reading week, or part there-of. Ok, I'll admit I do miss her..sometimes..but nobody tell her! Caught her here at the computer- go figure.
Had to include the most impressive three seater stroller that I have ever seen. Shelah got tired of buying strollers that brake down, I think with those we have purchased or acquired, we've been through about 8-10 (gee, maybe more?) between our own kids and the child-care. This latest addition to the household rides like a dream, appears to be much sturdier and well made, and should be the last one we ever need (please?!).
Monday, February 12, 2007
Tristan's Hat
Tristan's Hat
Tristan loved his Hat. His Hat was red, green, orange and blue; it had fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It had a strap for when it got windy and a tag with his name on it. It was the greatest Hat in the world and Tristan loved it with all his heart.
One day while feeding his sea monkeys, Tristan was approached by his older sister with the earring in her lip.
"Why are you wearing a hat indoors?",asked Tristan's older sister with the earring in her lip.
"My Hat is red, green, orange and blue; it has fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It has a strap for when it gets windy and a tag with my name on it. It is the greatest Hat in the world and I love it with all my heart," replied Tristan.
"You can't love a hat ! Besides, boys are supposed to love girls," laughed Tristan's older sister with the earring in her lip. She put on her headphones and continued down the hall.
Tristan was shocked and slightly confused. As far as he knew he was allowed to love anything he loved, and he loved his Hat with all his heart. His older sister with the earring in her lip was not a very reliable source, so Tristan decided to confront his mother on the matter. His mother, who liked to work in her office with many papers everywhere and the picture of a fat cat on the far wall next to the bench, was on the phone when Tristan found her.
"Mom?" asked Tristan.
"My Hat is red, green, orange and blue; it has fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It has a strap for when it gets windy and a tag with my name on it. It is the greatest Hat in the world and I love it with all my heart."
"We'll send it Thursday by..."
"Mum, my Hat is re..."
"Tristan, Mummy is busy right now."
"But Mum, my Hat..."
"Tristan-sweetie, don't be silly, people don't love their hats they love their children. Now run along."
This was not the answer Tristan had been expecting. Maybe there were rules against loving his Hat as his mother was often right about such things. Nevertheless, Tristan decided to ask his Dad, who he found in the garage underneath his big red racing car. His enormous hands were covered with grease and sweat ran down his crooked nose.
"Daddy, my Hat is red, green orange and blue; it has fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It has a strap for when it get s windy and a tag with my name on it. It is the greatest Hat in the world and I love it with all my heart. Do love your Hat Daddy?"
Men love cars Tristan, cars. Not hats."
The next day Tristan decided to ask Father Thomas about love and if a person could love a hat. Tristan's Daddy says Father Thomas is as old as the hills so Tristan was sure that he would know the answer.
"Father Thomas? What do you love?"
"I love myself, my neighbour and most of all I love God." Father Thomas had great bushy eyebrows that went up and down when he spoke.
"Father Thomas, my Hat is red, green, orange and blue; it has fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It has a strap for when it gets windy and a tag with my name on it. It is the greatest Hat in the world and I love it with all my heart."
"No Tristan, you appreciate your special hat but you do not love it. How hardly shall they that have riches enter the kingdom of God."
Tristan's conversation with Father Thomas did little to clear up the issue. Tristan loved himself, he loved his neighbour and he loved God, but Tristan still loved his Hat. He loved his Hat with all his heart. The meeting with Father Thomas had failed to solve any of Tristan's problems.
The following morning during recess Tristan asked his teacher Madame Rousseau. Madame Rousseau could play the guitar and sing just like in the movies; surely she would have the answer to the question.
"Madame Rousseau, can people love their Hats?"
"No Tristan, people can like their hats, but people love their friends and their family, not their hats."
After school Tristan did not play on the jungle gym, he didn't want the other children to see him. At the bus stop Tristan counted all the red cars that went by, he held the hat in his hand. The bus pulled up with a schreeech; Tristan hurried inside. The rush of the warm air on his cold skin made his face feel tingly.
"That's a fine Hat you have there."
"It's only a silly hat," said Tristan. The bus driver frowned.
"Is that so? Son, does your hat keep you warm?"
"It does..."
"Do you take good care of your Hat?"
"I do, I do. I even keep it under my pillow!"
"Does your Hat make you smile?"
"It does! Every time I wear it!"
"Son, it's not often you come accross something as special as that Hat. You love that Hat and you don't let anybody try to tell you otherwise."
Tristan's Hat was red, green, orange and blue; it had fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It had a strap for when it got windy and a tag with his name on it. It was the greatest Hat in the world and he loved it with all his heart.
Ted Brook, December 2006.
Tristan loved his Hat. His Hat was red, green, orange and blue; it had fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It had a strap for when it got windy and a tag with his name on it. It was the greatest Hat in the world and Tristan loved it with all his heart.
One day while feeding his sea monkeys, Tristan was approached by his older sister with the earring in her lip.
"Why are you wearing a hat indoors?",asked Tristan's older sister with the earring in her lip.
"My Hat is red, green, orange and blue; it has fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It has a strap for when it gets windy and a tag with my name on it. It is the greatest Hat in the world and I love it with all my heart," replied Tristan.
"You can't love a hat ! Besides, boys are supposed to love girls," laughed Tristan's older sister with the earring in her lip. She put on her headphones and continued down the hall.
Tristan was shocked and slightly confused. As far as he knew he was allowed to love anything he loved, and he loved his Hat with all his heart. His older sister with the earring in her lip was not a very reliable source, so Tristan decided to confront his mother on the matter. His mother, who liked to work in her office with many papers everywhere and the picture of a fat cat on the far wall next to the bench, was on the phone when Tristan found her.
"Mom?" asked Tristan.
"My Hat is red, green, orange and blue; it has fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It has a strap for when it gets windy and a tag with my name on it. It is the greatest Hat in the world and I love it with all my heart."
"We'll send it Thursday by..."
"Mum, my Hat is re..."
"Tristan, Mummy is busy right now."
"But Mum, my Hat..."
"Tristan-sweetie, don't be silly, people don't love their hats they love their children. Now run along."
This was not the answer Tristan had been expecting. Maybe there were rules against loving his Hat as his mother was often right about such things. Nevertheless, Tristan decided to ask his Dad, who he found in the garage underneath his big red racing car. His enormous hands were covered with grease and sweat ran down his crooked nose.
"Daddy, my Hat is red, green orange and blue; it has fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It has a strap for when it get s windy and a tag with my name on it. It is the greatest Hat in the world and I love it with all my heart. Do love your Hat Daddy?"
Men love cars Tristan, cars. Not hats."
The next day Tristan decided to ask Father Thomas about love and if a person could love a hat. Tristan's Daddy says Father Thomas is as old as the hills so Tristan was sure that he would know the answer.
"Father Thomas? What do you love?"
"I love myself, my neighbour and most of all I love God." Father Thomas had great bushy eyebrows that went up and down when he spoke.
"Father Thomas, my Hat is red, green, orange and blue; it has fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It has a strap for when it gets windy and a tag with my name on it. It is the greatest Hat in the world and I love it with all my heart."
"No Tristan, you appreciate your special hat but you do not love it. How hardly shall they that have riches enter the kingdom of God."
Tristan's conversation with Father Thomas did little to clear up the issue. Tristan loved himself, he loved his neighbour and he loved God, but Tristan still loved his Hat. He loved his Hat with all his heart. The meeting with Father Thomas had failed to solve any of Tristan's problems.
The following morning during recess Tristan asked his teacher Madame Rousseau. Madame Rousseau could play the guitar and sing just like in the movies; surely she would have the answer to the question.
"Madame Rousseau, can people love their Hats?"
"No Tristan, people can like their hats, but people love their friends and their family, not their hats."
After school Tristan did not play on the jungle gym, he didn't want the other children to see him. At the bus stop Tristan counted all the red cars that went by, he held the hat in his hand. The bus pulled up with a schreeech; Tristan hurried inside. The rush of the warm air on his cold skin made his face feel tingly.
"That's a fine Hat you have there."
"It's only a silly hat," said Tristan. The bus driver frowned.
"Is that so? Son, does your hat keep you warm?"
"It does..."
"Do you take good care of your Hat?"
"I do, I do. I even keep it under my pillow!"
"Does your Hat make you smile?"
"It does! Every time I wear it!"
"Son, it's not often you come accross something as special as that Hat. You love that Hat and you don't let anybody try to tell you otherwise."
Tristan's Hat was red, green, orange and blue; it had fur on the sides and a secret pocket on the back. It had a strap for when it got windy and a tag with his name on it. It was the greatest Hat in the world and he loved it with all his heart.
Ted Brook, December 2006.
Monday, February 05, 2007
January 2007...Happy New Year!
The start of a new year. It's been a busy season so far with Olivia's ringette (getting good at being tournament finalists but still digging for those elusive golds), Daws and Ian aquatics programs, Ians basketball and Dawsons music- driving him to his "jam sessions" (I'm sure the group is awsome- someday we'll be allowed to hear it??).
Three of the photos are from Ian's Pearson school production of King Lear. He played Kent (the Duke of?). He was awsome of course, and as always all of the kids did a great job and the sets, costumes and whole production was amazing! The final grade eight play apparently will have something to do with teen suicide. It's usually a secret and surprise what this last play is about... I hope someone is pulling my leg. Years ago the plays were more along the fun musical strain, but I'm finding each year they are getting a little darker. Personally I think grade eight is a little early for dark touchy subjects, but who am I, I guess.
The other two pictures were taken at the Ontario Science Center in Toronto. Before Hailey had to go back to school we took in the Marvel Comics superhero display. Never been to this museum before. It was cool, I think most of it would have been better for younger kids say 6-12, suppose we should have gone years ago, but must admit I'd never heard much about it. It was a good day out though and much of it was interesting.
Finally got the cold weather that winter is supposed to bring, and enough snow for the little kids to sleigh down the hill in the back yard (and crash into the fence). The heated floor in the kitchen is proving to be a great investment, I've found myself curling up on the floor with the pets once or twice...and it's nice on the feet too.
Shelah's weekend with the girls apparently went well...who am I to report this one though...Shelah??
February has us looking forward to more ringette, University applications, and oh, almost golf trip to Myrtle Beach. Fore!!!!
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