Tuesday, October 16, 2007

:) Thanksgiving 2007

What a GREAT Thanksgiving! It was so nice having all of the kids at home. Ted flew in Thursday night so he could go to his Central Grad, and Hail came on the weekend. We tried a new "annual tradition" this year. Borrowing from the Americans (I hate to admit), we made a big deal of the CFL football game on the Saturday. It worked really well having a room full of family that normally wouldn't last 5 minutes in front of a ball game. We had a few favorite snacks- oh and gambling helped too- the bet on closest combined score kept most right down to the end!

The dinner Sunday night was exceptional- compliments (again) to the chef, and to all of the helpers. A huge turkey was on the menu, a bunch of other stuff (that was REALLY good, but I am getting old and I should have posted this sooner...) and finished with a selection of pies. Yes, I did have the apple.

Here's the most updated family photo- Molly missed this one- the one with Molly in I missed- oh well, she loses this one! A few hair cut changes, a few inches grown, and one little girl with railroad tracks.

I don't know why I'm including this one. I was practicing night photography and after a couple of mistakes I remembered some of the goofy tricks that you can do. The BIG advantage to digital is that you can see your results right away. I know- I forgot to smile. This is serious stuff!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That last one is "real cool". Mom and dad are looking shorter each year! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you....Mom