Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April 2008- Cycling weather!

Made it while we're still in April- JUST! But before I get to the bike race, here's one last photo of Olivia from the ringette appreciation- this taken by Shelah at City Hall getting her citation (or recognition) from the Mayor. Oliv will not be AA next season, so doesn't see try-outs until the Fall. Soccer starts shortly (the games- practices are under way already) and she's signed up for a couple of golf programs as well (maybe she can teach ME!!)
So Ian and I did the 35K version of the Paris to Ancaster bike race this year. What a GREAT day of weather and we had a great ride. I stayed with Ian for the majority of the race- just pulled up the final hill ahead of him so I could get a couple of last pictures of him coming in at the finish. Unfortunately he came in at the same time as two others who blocked the view.
Ian's finish was half way up for his age group so he felt encouraged when he saw that. I felt the race ended a little too quickly- probably having done the longer ride last year- so I'll either have to go into a faster mode for the 35 next year, or do the 60 again.
Should have paid the $5 a bike to have them cleaned at the parking compound at the race finish- instead of "almost" cleaning them with the hose at home in the dark so I could ride to work the next day. Guess I could have paid Ian...but money saved is...
Theres another race in June that I was looking at but it's the Sunday that I have to head to Ottawa for a course- so may be pushing my luck fitting it all in. See what happens. That one's in the Niagra area and should be a good ride.
Headed to Montreal on Saturday with Shel, Hail, Ian and Liv to pick up Ted and see his new place. Looking forward to that weekend. Oh, and then there's yoga!
Bye for now.

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