Saturday, October 13, 2012

Projects Well the first project was completed this week- fortunately just before getting called in for a couple of days.
I think it turned out pretty well. It's a little wider than the old one which was destroyed by Larry crashing into chasing squirrels, and the winds and weather finishing off. I liked the idea of "mixed medium" so to speak, having both metal and wood together. Like to add stone or a stone bird bath in the summer.
What do you think? The room painting and garage cleaning, although they are jobs next on the list, I'm not referring to as "projects"...more resembling "chores". Well, not chores in the cleaning the bathroom sense, but you know. So this is the next project. It's an old rail cart/industrial cart which will be refinished as a coffee table or corner accent table (depending on how it turns out).
Last on the list (before the Honda) is the Whitney pistol. This 1860(plus/minus) cap and ball was collected covered in rust. Still have a long way to go- I have no intention of making it workable, just attractive enough to mount on a plaque or something.
I like the idea that this could have been around during the Civil War, a little piece of history saved from the garbage heap. Time to throw another log on the fire and "chop some pork for me Darlin'". Hmmm, thought we were having lamb.

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